Annual Meeting
Annual chuch meeting and breakfast.
Immediately after services, we’ll be meeting in the parish hall for breakfast and our annual church meeting.

Movie Night!
Tonight’s Featured Presentation:
Disney Pixar’s Up
Free: Admission, Popcorn and Drinks
Bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy a movie under the stars with family and friends.

Movie Night!
Tonight’s Featured Presentation:
Disney Pixar’s Coco
Free: Admission, Popcorn and Drinks
Bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy a movie under the stars with family and friends.

Summer BBQ @ the Van Velsor’s
Look for a sign up sheet for sides and desserts as we get closer

Goodbye Ryan Occena
We all know and love our organist Ryan, his family will be leaving us soon and will be making a big cross country move. Please come help pack up the Occena Family in Glen Cove on Saturday July 13th @ 11am. Please see Ryan for address and more details.

St. John's Feast Day
We would like to return to the tradition of celebrating with our feast outside this year, but we will need extra volunteers to help set up the tables before service and some to stay late to bring the tables etc back in after the feast.

Father's Day Breakfast!
The ladies of the congregation will prepare special breakfast for the Dad’s, there is a sign up on the bulletin board in the parish hall.

Pentacost Sunday
Wear red & bring your garden gloves, for we will be planting flowers around the church yard after coffee hour.

Game Night
Come with the whole family!
Board games, yard games, video games and PIZZA.
Free to all, and all are welcome!

Folk Mass
For those of you unfamiliar with folk mass. It is a regular liturgy service like we have on Sunday, with more contemporary musical selections by our own Patti Lamb and her guitar.
Mother's Day Breakfast!
It’s here ladies! The amazing men of the parish are in charge of breakfast as a gift to all mothers and mothers to be. Thank you gentlemen!

Memorial Service for Susan Fedele
Memorial Service for Susan Fedele. Reception in Parish Hall immediately following.
St Patrick's Day Dinner
Celebrate St Patrick’s Day with us on March 16th at 5:30 PM for some delicious homemade corned beef and cabbage!
$15.00 for Adults
$5.00 for Children
Children under 5 eat for free!

The Applebee's Breakfast and Basket Auction
Our annual Applebees breakfast will be held this year on Saturday October 13th, 2018 from 8am - 10am! Click the image for more information!
Sunday School Starts!
Our Sunday School Classes will begin Sunday September 30th at 9:15 AM! We are in need of Volunteers for the Children’s Ministry, if you are interested please see Kim, Coleen or Gina
Annual BBQ!
Once again, Beverly and Alan are throwing a BBQ for our St Johns Family! Please come join us at 3911 Lake Ave in South Hampton (Right next to Wild Wood Bowling) at 1pm for some fun!

Yard Sale
St John's will be having our Annual Yard Sale Fund Raiser! Start bringing any sell-able items you would like to donate on Thursday June 7th.
We are in need of helpers for this event! Please see the sign up sheet in the rectory if you are available. Even an hour is very helpful!! THANK YOU!

Mothers Day
Help us celebrate mothers day! Men of the parish bring in one breakfast item for coffee hour!

Holy Week
Please come join us for Holy Week Services.
Sunday March 25
Palm Sunday Service @ 9:30am
Thursday March 29
Soup Supper @ 6:00pm
Maundy Thursday Liturgy @ 7:00pm
Friday March 30
Good Friday Liturgy @ 7:00pm
Sunday April 1
Easter Sunday Service @ 9:30am
Parish-wide Coffee Hour immediately following
There is a need for many volunteers throughout Holy Week, so please look for the sign up sheets on the bulletin board of the parish hall and check your schedules.
- We are looking for people to serve in the traditional ministries of acolytes, ushers, LEMs, and sacristans for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.
- We are also looking for additional readers for all the Holy Week Services, even if you have not read during service before please consider joining in.
- Fellowship- For soup supper we are looking for someone to bring bread/rolls and beverages. Easter Sunday's Coffee Hour will be a parish wide effort please bring something to share.